Is That Knot Good?
A comic poem about what it's like to start whittling and carving only to discover flaws. Then you have to decide if it's a deal breaker or do you rationalize like an insane person.
This is nothing against insane persons, some of my favorite people… Well, you know…
Is That Knot Good? I have whittled on this wood for some time now. It has developed cracks I had not seen before- very unfortunate. Are cracks allowed or not? Are they fault lines or just skin deep? And that little knot, how did I miss that? It was always there, clearly, but I was preoccupied by this delicious curve on the obverse side. Each time I sand it I am distracted. Oh, what a line, so perfectly wrought. But those infernal cracks will be the death of me. What will people say? “He chose poorly.” “Was he that lazy?” “Lovely little curve there.” “Is that little knot supposed to be part of an eye?” I cannot fathom why I chose this piece of wood. Is that knot good? Will cracks subside? Perhaps I’ll set it aside.
This poem is as much an object lesson for how we perceive our physical bodies as it is a comic poem about a piece of wood. Well done!
Falling asleep here but stopped to read. Wes, how can you mother without loving the odd one? or whittle without first loving the feel of that piece of wood? some fathers might resist but no mother can. It’s never insanity to love what you’ve help make.