This is the last of the poems written in France from early March to early June. About 45 poems total, 20 of which were ok to share. The other were nonsense or pointless, vague or just dumb.
Beautiful, Weston. This port, and these buildings, they really are inspiring. Loved your poem. Captures the thrill of the harbour hustle and bustle that must have gone on here long ago.
Beautiful, Weston. This port, and these buildings, they really are inspiring. Loved your poem. Captures the thrill of the harbour hustle and bustle that must have gone on here long ago.
The photo is beautiful, too. Lovely colours.
I enjoyed yours as well.
Writing is as much for the writer as the reader, maybe even more so! Write on!!
I certainly helps me process what I see and hear, well, life in general.
First, love the energy in this writing. Second, did you take that photo?
Thank you Lara. Houses and harbors and boats, oh my! Such energy there.
My wife Laurie took a photo of a giant tourist billboard in the town of Honfleur where this harbor is.
Well, I just love the photograph and the poetry, and so from what I’m getting she took a photo of a billboard and this is it in the post?
That is right.