Fabulous, mystical, and whimsical poems.

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Thanks Stan, and don’t forget batshit crazy.

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Jun 20Liked by Weston Parker

What if we enjoy the crazy we meet when we pause to meet the bats in our brains??

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I enjoy the crazy but only for a limited time because I worry that I might dwell there overlong and be a little unsure how to exit. I stopped taking acid long ago because it was just too damned exciting.

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Jun 20Liked by Weston Parker

Must be a flaw in me am so delighted when the bats come out to play.

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Some people like playing with crazy and can do it with not too much ill effects but it worries me. It's always nibbling at my edges and so every now and then I'll open the doors...

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Jun 20Liked by Weston Parker

Παν μέτρον Αρίστος

(My dads favorite phrase) xx

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That last stanza is especially poignant. There are times where the fear of what's behind an unknown door keeps me away but the "deadly boredom" as you put it, is more of a motivator to try new things. You don't always find the pristine pinata but its possible to find something even better and that outweighs all the not great things you find.

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That’s a hell of an insight, thanks Daniel.

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Jun 19Liked by Weston Parker

I have seen that bat flying around in the imagination nation, blindly whacking at penyatas. Words wobble out , wringing their hands, wondering what wrong they have wrought or ought or brung about. Is this what they sought, or fought the tiny tendrils of poems brought out by fat bats who fly into walls


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I like your response Jack, one of the most poetic things you've written. I think the "madness" genre (I just made this genre up) is very suited to you since you are at least half bonkers. I have written 8-10 of these crazy poems and they are an interesting bunch to be a part of.

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Jun 23Liked by Weston Parker

so. much. fun!

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Yeah baby! Let's let lunacy fly....

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Jun 24Liked by Weston Parker

a perfect poet’s mantra

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What a magical poem. I particularly love this:

We happen upon

a piñata dangling along

amidst a parade of delirium

and not a stick in sight!

Candy necklaces

are being tossed

by fabulous ladies

who have been

nibbling alternating

sides of a mushroom

growing right on the float.

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Thanks for reading LeeAnn.

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Jun 19Liked by Weston Parker

Love to read what’s falling out of that head of yours!

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Hi Cheryl and thanks.

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