Jun 30Liked by Weston Parker

Wooing - and self-defending. Remarkable happiness.

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That’s a beautiful poem,

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"My best chance of survival / is to let time know / I would not kill / even in self defense." Exquisite lines, Weston.

And your remarks about carpentry resonate with me as a knitter - lots of repetition that manages to be exacting and relaxing at the same time.

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For many years I’d spend the day of building in a kind of mystical trance

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Jun 30Liked by Weston Parker

Painting is like that

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My mother used to set some kind of alarm so she wouldn’t miss starting dinner for us.

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Jun 30Liked by Weston Parker

I understand that in all its entirety. Better mom than I was for sure.

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She disappeared into her work. When she was in the middle of some big piece she would sit down to dinner with us but she was mostly not there. Sometimes she'd look at your face and then turn your head a little this way or the other way and then get up and go into her studio. That slightly absent thing could go on for weeks but we were young boys, we didn't care as long as there was food. Dad would go into the studio and wrap his arms around her and smooch, smooch, smooch. The memory still gets me.

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Jun 30Liked by Weston Parker

Love this whole thing. What an amazing love they had.

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Sep 17Liked by Weston Parker

"A handy sort of eternity." "No need to kill time here / far better to woo her." There are so many lovely turns of phrase here. I felt myself relaxing into that timeless space with you . . . and there's no better ending than a picture of a dog butt! 😂

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So funny, dog butt! She was such a sweet little thing and believe it or not, she liked croissant! Shocker!

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Sep 17Liked by Weston Parker

I bet she did!!

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